Sunday, January 13, 2013

Back to Blogging

I've been on a hiatus from the blogging world for almost a year. After Harper was born, things other than blogging just seemed to take a higher priority. Of course I try to keep up our private family blog for journaling purposes, but let's be honest it hasn't been updated since Halloween. Things such as changing diapers, constantly doing laundry and trying to discover a meal that my child would take more than three bites of seem to swallow up most of my day.

After getting Harper in bed tonight, I walked through the house hopelessly staring at all there still is to do. Baskets of laundry that need folding, piles of who knows what that need organizing, meals that need to be planned and shopped for, home improvement projects uncompleted and that's just to name a few. Where did the weekend go? It's not like it was a lazy weekend in our house, it was fairly busy. At the end of it I had hoped to check a few of those items off my list, not add another one to it like starting a new blog.

So why come back now? It's not as if my life has suddenly slowed down, allowing me ample time for blogging. In fact, after finally making it to bed tonight, I was bombarded with a rush of thoughts that needed somewhere to go. So I begrudgingly shuffled down the stairs to the computer to try to organize some of those thoughts. Most of them about being a mom and all that goes along with it. I need an outlet; I need somewhere to write about what goes wrong in my day and brag about the few things that go right. I need other moms to tell me I'm not alone and that their laundry isn't done either.

Earlier tonight, after feeling like a failure as a house keeper (which also contributes to my worth as a mom and wife, right?) I messaged a friend who is also a new mom, hoping to discover I wasn't alone. I asked her if “she felt like she would ever be on top of everything there is to do?” Thankfully her response was “heavens no!” In fact she had also just been surveying the aftermath of a busy weekend and wondering if she couldn’t stay on top of things now, how she would ever be able to! It was extremely comforting to know I wasn't the only one doubting how I could take on more; more hours working outside our home, having another baby, and buying a larger house to keep up with. If I can't do it all now, how can I possibly consider doing more?

I don't have the answer, but my hope is that with this blog I can find fellow moms that have the same questions racing through their minds as they try to fall asleep at night. Moms who at the end of the weekend, look at the state of their house with disgust instead of pride. Maybe a few moms will know the answers or have some tricks up their sleeves, please enlighten me! Maybe we can share easy recipes, preferably ones that toddlers enjoy that don't include chicken nuggets from McDonalds. And I would love to share the moments when I do feel "on top" of things; because there are definitely times of the day when I do feel on top of the world. When Harper tries to say "I love you" (which in Harper language can only be written as "lalalu") or I watch him giggle as he plays with his daddy, those are the moments I have to keep replaying in my mind. If I don't I will surely convince myself that I am a horrible wife and mom when in the morning the hubs will most likely have to pull a clean shirt out of the laundry basket for work.

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